Vibration Damping Stage

Encasing the liquid helium dewar and dampening vibrations along the helium supply chain to the cryo sample holder.

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Key Features

Active and Passive Damping

All vibrations—whether originating from external sources and transmitted through the floor or generated by the boiling of cryogenic liquids during transfers—can significantly impair measurement resolution. The CORVUS stage addresses this issue with a combination of active and passive damping components designed to suppress vibrations and facilitate TEM imaging at cryogenic temperatures. Its active vibration-damping base isolates the system from the building, preventing external low-frequency noise from affecting the measurements. Additionally, the height-adjustable frame ensures the transfer line is optimally positioned, while the transfer line arm securely holds it in place. The new and improved compact design further minimizes the laboratory footprint, making the CORVUS stage an efficient and space-saving solution for compromised laboratory layouts.

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Customizable to Lab Layout

Vibration Damping Arm

Furthermore, we have optimized the transfer line arm with additional damping components to suppress vibrations caused by helium boil-off. When paired with our TUBUS transfer line, the CORVUS system minimizes experimental disturbances, thereby enhancing measurement resolution. We customize the length of the damping arm, the angle of the transfer line docking (in 45° increments), and the working height of the transfer line to match the specific dimensions and layout of your TEM setup. Please consider a minimum footprint next to the TEM of 840mm by 840mm.

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