TEM Experiments with Liquid Helium

P.-H. Lu, Y. Lu, A. Kovács, J. Chang, D. Biscette, D. Sutter, R. Dunin-Borkowski

First Light 001

Electron beam-induced charging of latex spheres. Electrostatic charging effects are stronger at 5.2 K (bottom) compared to room temperature (RT, top). Field of view is 1.2 μm.

First Light 002

Quantitative magnetic imaging of Bloch Skyrmions in FeGe. Magnetic phase shift images (grey-scale, top) and in-plane magnetic induction map (color-scale bottom). Experiments performed at 5.6 K in zero field (left) and 200 mT applied (right).

First Light 003

Experimental setup on a TEM using a liquid helium sample holder from condenZero. Base temperature of 5.2 K was reached within two minutes.